Yoga for Schools


Ocean Yoga for Schools is inspired by the Yoga Bananas Technique™ and the National Curriculum. Learning is supported through the physical, balancing and respectful nature of yoga. It equips the children with confidence and excitement to apply what they have learnt to classroom activities. Children learn strategies for respecting themselves, each other and the world around them. They are encouraged to apply these strategies to their experiences around school, in the playground and at home. During yoga the focus is always brought back to breathing. Concentrating on breath control means children are kept in the present moment and increased oxygen can travel through the blood, offering optimum brain functioning in these crucial early years. This leads to a relaxed state of mind perfect for learning!


Optimistic: Develops a relaxed, positive and respectful attitude towards learning.
Creative: Revitalises creativity through fun and exciting stories, rhymes and games.
Encouraging: Encourages children to grow in confidence.
Aware: Self-awareness is developed through respect of the self and others.
Nurturing: Gives children a chance to connect with themselves and relax.


Literacy, PE and PSHE. For more details on how Ocean Yoga for Schools supports progress in the National Curriculum 2014, please contact me for an information pack.


As a teacher I understand the exhaustion, stress and pressure you can begin to feel throughout the term. Yoga is the perfect way to de-stress and restore some energy. I can offer a short REVITALISING Yoga class followed by a RELAXATION. If you are interested, contact me so that I can enquire with all of the teaching staff about the best days and times to suit their busy schedule. 


Contact me about a FREE team-building class for teaching staff. Perhaps it would be appropriate as part of an INSET day or during a staff meeting? I will teach the staff in the same way that I teach the children. This is a great opportunity for the teaching staff to let loose and experience their inner-child while picking up on some useful yogic strategies to support learning and behaviour management in the classroom.